A few years before he retired from
the Army, Carl attended the National War
College in Washington, DC. It was an amazing educational opportunity,
attending classes under a premier faculty and studying shoulder-to-shoulder
with members of all the military branches of the US and many of our allies and
other international militaries. Equally importantly, the student body included
representatives from all the branches and departments of our nation’s
government. It was a truly rewarding year.
One of the things that the faculty
reinforces to students at NWC is the old adage that “where you stand depends on
where you sit.” Most students had probably heard that one before…it is an old
adage, after all. What the faculty at NWC did, however, was to require in students’
discussions of policy and history that they look at things from others’
perspectives and indeed “sit” in a different chair, as it were.
That changes one’s context, of
course. We begin to see why others might have a different take on history or
why a proposed policy was really bad rather than good, no matter how well
intended or timely it initially was. Such an exercise in context comes about
from a sincere interest in helping us understand each other…helping us to “walk
a mile in someone else’s shoes” or see through their eyes.
Too many Americans, and far too
many of our elected and policy-making officials have forgotten how to do that,
if indeed they ever learned. They choose to dismiss the American Promise of
opportunity for all by focusing only on themselves or very narrow
constituencies. All too many leaders choose to forsake an important function of
leadership: develop and encourage followers to recognize and learn from
opportunity. These kinds of “leaders” have chosen to keep opportunities to
themselves rather than expand opportunity.
Perhaps the problem is that many
Americans have forgotten what the word opportunity really means. The online
version of the Merriam-Webster
Dictionary defines it as “a favorable juncture of circumstances” or “a good
chance for advancement or progress.” Unfortunately, many politicians and
leaders tend to add the prefix of “photo” to the word opportunity and miss its
real meaning completely.
Opportunity, a word we emphasized
in the previous
post, is the crux of the American Promise. America itself is a “favorable
juncture of circumstances” with its rich body of natural resources, ideal
geographical setting and innate essence that just inspires people to do great
things and build amazing communities. From its very beginnings, America offered
a “good chance for advancement” for both those who wanted community and those
who sought to explore the wondrous wilderness in solitude. America offered
then, just as it could now, almost limitless opportunity.
Opportunity in America has served
as the engine that energized the imagination, spurred creativity and attracted
some of the very brightest people on the planet to want to live here. It’s at
the heart of the American narrative. However, for us to maximize the power of the
national narrative of opportunity, we must be open to extending opportunity to
all. We must come to understand that opportunity increases for all when we seek
to share it.
The reality, however, is that while
we have gained through opportunity, we have also lost ground seeking to
withhold opportunity in America. Undoubtedly, there is less systemic
discrimination in our nation than there was decades ago, yet problems persist
as too many of us rationalize that we must discriminate to hold on to personal
gains we achieved by protecting our own “hard-earned” opportunities.
That “hard-earned” stuff comes from
the “American Dream,” not the American Promise. Working hard is important, but
all of us who have had the privilege of working hard first had the blessing of
opportunity before we could even think about hard work creating a benefit. When
we mistake benefitting from working hard with holding opportunity too closely
to ourselves, we show we really don’t understand opportunity or the Promise of
America. Opportunity grows best for all when shared among all, not just
individuals who think they earned something because they’re somehow special or
work harder than others. Opportunity is the engine, hard work is the output.
This also means that America is not
really a world of “winner take all”…it never has been: that’s a fictitious
narrative that political entities and pundits seek to exploit. America is now
and always has been a nation of community seeking the welfare of the public,
with respect for individual rights, even as it has become ever more diverse in
its 235-plus years. Since the beginning, our nation embraced public works to
enhance our lives, such as public roads and waterways, land grant colleges and the
protection of individual rights. These enhancements strengthened the American
Promise of opportunity.
Institutional remedies, such as misguided
political efforts to redefine equal opportunity as equal results, have clouded
and confused the American Promise, no doubt. It was gratifying to see President
Obama reflect
more on opportunity than equality in his 2014 State of the Union speech, but of
course that may have less impact than it should because it’s viewed as politics.
Perhaps both political parties can find a way to achieve some agreement on
equality of opportunity being a better way forward for America than “income
inequality.” It would be a favorable step forward anyway, and more consistent
with our Founders’ vision for America.
We’re going to keep emphasizing
opportunity as the essence of Fulfilling the American Promise in the Connected
Age because it’s still the engine of our success. We’ll talk a lot more about
opportunity in the connected age, as well. We hope to sway more people to “sit”
in someone else’s “chair” and understand why opportunity is about more than
just themselves, even if that chair is somewhere else in cyberspace. We’d like
to demonstrate that opportunity is best savored when everyone has access to
it…to show how opportunity is only constrained from growth when people decide
to limit it.
does not limit opportunity, but too many of its people do…let’s help stop that
nonsense, perhaps even by “sitting in a different chair.” Please keep tuning in
as we, and hopefully you, make a few modest proposals in future blog posts.
by Carl W. Hunt and Charles E. Hunt, 2/8/2014
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